
Jamie Metzl Statement on WHO COVID-19 Wuhan Press Conference

Jamie Metzl Statement on WHO COVID-19 Wuhan Press Conference 900 600 Jamie Metzl

In response to the WHO-China joint study press conference, held in Wuhan on February 9, 2021, I today issued the following statement: Although I remain a steadfast supporter of the…

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Human Genetic Engineering and the Catholic Church

Human Genetic Engineering and the Catholic Church 512 423 Jamie Metzl

I was deeply honored to be invited last year to speak on the future of human genetic engineering at a small and high-level Vatican conference. While I do not agree…

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Jamie Metzl Statement on Suspension of US Funding for the WHO

Jamie Metzl Statement on Suspension of US Funding for the WHO 620 413 Jamie Metzl

On April 14, US President Donald Trump announced that the United States was suspending funding to the World Health Organization. Here is my statement: New York April 15, 2020 Cutting…

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We Can’t Get Out of this Alone

We Can’t Get Out of this Alone 342 147 Jamie Metzl

Thousands of people are now dead and billions now sheltering at home in fear of a proliferating deadly virus that could have been contained at its source. But even though…

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Declaration of Global Interdependence

Declaration of Global Interdependence 275 183 Jamie Metzl

Jump to: Post/Introduction Join Us Declaration of Global Interdependence Progress Notes For years, we have seen a fundamental mismatch between the magnitude of the common global challenges we humans face…

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Virtualizing our Physical Lives

Virtualizing our Physical Lives 310 163 Jamie Metzl

As more of us sensibly restrict our social interactions in an effort to slow the spread of this coronavirus, we will speed up a process of virtualizing our physical world…

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Love in a Time of COVID

Love in a Time of COVID 275 183 Jamie Metzl

Given the seriousness of the coronavirus (technically SARS-COV-2/COVID-19) crisis, I hope you are taking extreme precautions, at least until the full magnitude of what we are facing becomes clearer. If…

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Our Best Values Must Guide Our Most Powerful Technologies

Our Best Values Must Guide Our Most Powerful Technologies 279 181 Jamie Metzl

Soon after a series of incredible discoveries almost five decades ago launched the era recombinant DNA (later renamed genetically modified organisms, or GMOs), some of the world’s leading scientists and…

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Has the Third CRISPR Baby Already Been Born?

Has the Third CRISPR Baby Already Been Born? 800 480 Jamie Metzl

For years, I have been saying the genetics revolution is not just coming but already here. As we unlock the secrets of our genomes and systems biology more broadly, we…

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Crossing the Rubicon of Genetically Engineered Human Babies

Crossing the Rubicon of Genetically Engineered Human Babies 275 183 Jamie Metzl

For years I have been writing about how our species is at the cusp of a genetic revolution that will transform our healthcare in the short term, how we make…

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