Biohackers Magazine, August, 2024
The Future of Humanity: Can our human values save us from extinction?
His work spans across the board to leaders in many industries including agriculture and healthcare, information technology, data storage, government and energy. For him, all technological revolutions are embedded in each other. They require a multi-industry alignment to ensure a successful end product.…
Corriere Della Sera, March 16, 2024
Futurologist Metzl: “Bio-hacking to live longer? Diet, exercise, community matter more. And give meaning to existence”
The author of the best seller Hacking Darwin , guest at the Longevity Summit in Milan, reveals how he imagines the future at the intersection of science and technology…
Brunswick Review, April 5, 2022
The Future, According to Jamie Metzl
At the highest levels of business and government, his counsel is sought on matters of science, technology, medicine, ethics, politics and history..…
Hadassah Magazine, September 2020
OneShared.World Seeks New Global Operating System
Like the prophets of old, Jamie Metzl bemoans a world wracked by oppression, destruction, poverty and social injustice. This March, as the coronavirus spread its furious tentacles across the world, Metzl had a revelation.…
Forbes Japan, October 2020
Genome, AI and the Future of Humanity
Profile of Jamie Metzl, in Japanese (PDF)
Psychology Today, November 2018
Polymath Jamie Metzl on AI, Genetics, and the Future
At a recent evening in San Diego, Jamie Metzl, J.D., Ph.D., a Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council, former White House Fellow, and Aspen Institute Crown Fellow, was conducting a modern-day “cacao ceremony” at Exponential Medicine, an event for innovators, clinicians, executives and investors in healthcare…
The Huffington Post, December 2014
A Modern Day Renaissance Man Shares Lessons On Happiness, Habits, And Health
That Jamie Metzl has completed nearly 50 extreme endurance events, including Ironman Triathlons and ultramarathons, is not mentioned until the very final line of his personal biography. It is, apparently, the least notable of his accomplishments.…
investkorea.org, September 2017
One-on-one with Jamie Metzl
As an Honorary Ambassador of Foreign Investment Promotion, Jamie Metzl is working tirelessly to strengthen relations between Korea and the United States…
Brown Alumni Monthly, March/April 2017
Seeing the Future
When you’re Jamie Metzl ’90 and the person seated next to you on an airplane asks what you do, there’s no simple answer. “I answer differently every day. For really attractive women I say I’m a novelist,” laughs Metzl, who indeed has just published his second novel, Eternal Sonata…
Vail Daily, February 2017
Biotechnology expert Jamie Metzl addresses realities of genetics revolution
Metzl elaborates on the progress of the genetics revolution, his new book, how this unique science fits into the landscape of technological breakthroughs and how the new administration may impact scientific progress…
InvestKorea.org, February 2014
Meet Jamie Metzl, an Honorary Ambassador for Korea
An expert in Asian economic and political affairs as well as in U.S. foreign policy, he has served as the Executive Vice President of the Asia Society, in the Clinton White House, as Deputy Staff Director of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee and in other distinguished positions…
Korea Herald, December 23, 2013
U.S. investment promotion ambassador says Korea needs to strengthen growth by fostering SMEs
A senior fellow at the independent Asia Society said the Korean market had potential, with a better investment environment for foreigners in some areas than even Japan and China…
DNA Bangalore, March, 2010
Marathon Man
To say Jamie Frederic Metzl has done it all would not be too far from the truth. The self-confessed India-addict talks to Vinita A. Shetty about his life’s philosophy and why he wants to live forever…
Chosun Ilbo, November 2006
아시아 차세대 리더들, 한국서 배울 점 많아
17~19일 서울 신라호텔에서 열리는 ‘아시아 영 리더스 서미트(Young Leaders Summit)’를 총괄 기획한 제이미 메츨(Jamie Metzl·38) 아시아 소사이어티 수석 부회장은 “이번 행사는 참석자들이 한국사회의 역동성을 직접 느낄 수 있는 좋은 기회”라고 말했다. 아시아 소사이어티는 창립 50주년을 맞아 아·태 지역에서 40세 이하 250여명의 엘리트를 엄선해 이번 서미트에 초대했다.