united nations

Technological Revolutions and Global Governance

Technological Revolutions and Global Governance 281 179 Jamie Metzl

In recognition of the annual gathering of the United Nation General Assembly, which has just begun here in New York, I wanted to share with you my essay outlining how…

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Jamie Metzl Statement on WHO COVID-19 Wuhan Press Conference

Jamie Metzl Statement on WHO COVID-19 Wuhan Press Conference 900 600 Jamie Metzl

In response to the WHO-China joint study press conference, held in Wuhan on February 9, 2021, I today issued the following statement: Although I remain a steadfast supporter of the…

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We Can’t Get Out of this Alone

We Can’t Get Out of this Alone 342 147 Jamie Metzl

Thousands of people are now dead and billions now sheltering at home in fear of a proliferating deadly virus that could have been contained at its source. But even though…

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Declaration of Global Interdependence

Declaration of Global Interdependence 275 183 Jamie Metzl

Jump to: Post/Introduction Join Us Declaration of Global Interdependence Progress Notes For years, we have seen a fundamental mismatch between the magnitude of the common global challenges we humans face…

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Has the Third CRISPR Baby Already Been Born?

Has the Third CRISPR Baby Already Been Born? 800 480 Jamie Metzl

For years, I have been saying the genetics revolution is not just coming but already here. As we unlock the secrets of our genomes and systems biology more broadly, we…

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Sony, North Korea, and Human Rights

Sony, North Korea, and Human Rights Jamie Metzl
The recent cyberattack on Sony, allegedly perpetrated by North Korea, highlights a dangerous increase in the vulnerability of our globalized world.  read more