As a deeply patriotic American who has spent my entire professional life building bipartisan consensus around critical issues, I am deeply concerned by what is happening in our country. In…
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Trump’s North Korea Crisis
Jamie Metzl
Please have a look at this link to my recent CNN interview on North Korea (with David Gergen). For all of President Trump’s huffing and puffing, we just came through…
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In the Twilight Rise Up Monsters: Why the Trump Foreign Policy Undermines US and World Security
Jamie Metzl
The United States is facing perhaps the most dangerous moment since the 1941 Pearl Harbor attack or the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. This danger does not stem from terrorism, immigration,…
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Reflections Before the Trump Inauguration
Jamie Metzl
The day before the inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States, the level of anxiety and uncertainty among the majority of Americans is dangerously high. Whatever critiques…
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Kim Jong Un Going to Moscow?
Jamie Metzl
The Russian government has announced that Lil’ (not-so-Lil’ these days – someone should draw the lot to tell him he’s not looking so good these days and that it might…
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