
Being Human in an Age of Artificial Intelligence

Being Human in an Age of Artificial Intelligence 150 150 Jamie Metzl
My short story, “A Visit to Weizenbaum,” which recently came out yesterday as part of the Atlantic Council’s War Stories from the Future anthology. The story explores what it means to be a human being in an age of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and anthropomorphized robotics. You can download the e-book for free in any format at this link or read the full text below. read more

Korea’s Free Trade Future

Korea’s Free Trade Future Jamie Metzl

In my keynote address last week in Seoul at the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy Foreign Investment Week summit, cohosted by KOTRA and Invest Korea, I argued that Korea…

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The Coming Collapse of North Korea?

The Coming Collapse of North Korea? 150 150 Jamie Metzl

In my National Interest editorial linked here, I predict that the North Korean government will collapse within ten years. Although the regime’s inflexibility and willingness to use deadly force virtually ensures that change…

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Has the Genetic Arms Race Begun?

Has the Genetic Arms Race Begun? 150 150 Jamie Metzl
Articles in Nature yesterday and in today’s New York Times describe the controversial recent announcement by a Chinese researcher that he has used cutting edge precision gene editing techniques (CRISPR-cas9) on non-viable human embryos.  It is rumored that the results of more research like this will be announced from China in the coming months. Every day we are receiving more evidence like this that the human genetic revolution, with its massive scientific, ethical, political, and national security implications, has already begun. read more

China’s Pakistan Adventure

China’s Pakistan Adventure Jamie Metzl
Xi Jinping’s just completed visit to Pakistan is a big deal for China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, and the United States. China has pledged $46 billion to develop the port, road, and pipeline infrastructure linking the Pakistani port at Gwadar to Western China’s Xinjiang province, to construct badly needed power plants, and to upgrade Pakistan’s submarines, presumable to carry nuclear weapons. In return,  Pakistan is giving China essentially full access to the Gwadar port. But dealing with Pakistan is never as simple as it may at first seem. read more

Would I Genetically Enhance My Own Children?

Would I Genetically Enhance My Own Children? 150 150 Jamie Metzl
When someone at a Los Angeles book event asked me a personal question, I was already disarmed, exposed, and predisposed to a more personal answer. “Would you genetically enhance your own children?” read more

Books as Sacred Objects

Books as Sacred Objects 150 150 Jamie Metzl

I hope you’ll have a look at my new piece on books as sacred objects. “As a great lover of books, I felt myself not only drawn to their words,…

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