Hong Kong

Countering Beijing’s Olympic Propaganda

Countering Beijing’s Olympic Propaganda 275 183 Jamie Metzl

Like many sports fans around the world, I love the Olympics for what they represent: an opportunity for incredible athletes from 200-plus countries and territories to come together in a…

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Standing with the People of Hong Kong

Standing with the People of Hong Kong 720 405 Jamie Metzl

The people of Hong Kong have been fighting for many years to hold China to the commitments Beijing voluntary made in 1984 allowing Hong Kong a “high degree of autonomy,”…

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Crossing the Rubicon of Genetically Engineered Human Babies

Crossing the Rubicon of Genetically Engineered Human Babies 275 183 Jamie Metzl

For years I have been writing about how our species is at the cusp of a genetic revolution that will transform our healthcare in the short term, how we make…

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